Tip Sheets

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Tip Sheets

Mother's Day Tip Sheet

Here are some Comfort, Play & Teach™ ideas to encourage mothers to rediscover their childhoods and share special memories and moments with their children.

Mother's Day Tip Sheet (PDF)

To help you encourage your child's social, emotional and intellectual development, we have created Comfort, Play & Teach: A Positive Approach to Parenting™. This simple approach is built on every day activities that are part of a parent's daily routine.


When you comfort your child, she learns to feel secure, loved and valued


When you play with your child, he learns to explore and discover the world and his role in it.


When you teach your child, she learns how to relate to others, solve problems and communicate.

More Tip Sheets:

Selecting a Camp or Recreation Program for your Child (PDF)

Winter Guide

Winter Guide 1 (PDF)

Winter Guide 2 (PDF)

Back to School 2007 Guides

Choosing Childcare or Kindergarten (PDF)

Preparing Children for Kindergarten (PDF)

Comfort, Play & Teach™ Back-to-School Activities (PDF)

More Tip Sheets:
Make the most of Special Events (PDF)

Sibling Rivalry (PDF)

Enjoying TV, DVDs, Computer Games and the Internet (PDF)

Traveling with Children (PDF)

Summer Safety (PDF)

Preparing Children for when their Parents will be away (PDF)

Father's Day Comfort, Play & Teach Tipsheet (PDF)

Caring about the Environment (PDF)

Speaking two languages at home (PDF)

Parent Involvement (PDF)

Enjoying Music with Your Infant, Toddler or Preschooler (PDF)

Gardening with Your Child (PDF)

Reading with Your Child (PDF)

Indoor Activities for Winter (PDF)

Cooking with your Child (PDF)

Giving Vs. Getting - Helping children find holiday balance (PDF)

You & Your Baby: Ease your Family’s Holiday Stress (PDF)

You & Your Toddler: Ease your Family’s Holiday Stress (PDF)

You & Your Preschooler: Ease your Family’s Holiday Stress (PDF)

Celebrate Halloween with these Comfort, Play & Teach™ ideas (PDF)

Comfort, Play & Teach™ Tips: Comforting your Child (PDF)

Make the Most of Bedtime or Anytime by Reading to your Child (PDF)

Make Vacation Travel with Young Children More Pleasurable for All (PDF)

Comfort, Play with & Teach™ & Outdoor Winter Activities (PDF)

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