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About 3 Months of Age: Parenting

As your infant grows a little older, here are some things to add to your daily routine:

  • Its a good idea, whenever you're with your baby, to just carry on a running conversation about what you're doing. This is an important way of preparing him to speak for himself later on.

  • Realize that since crying is still your baby's main way of communicating with you, it helps to learn to be more aware of what many of your child's cries mean, such as "I'm hungry," or "I need changing," or "I'm tired or bored," or "I want attention."

  • And, as your baby becomes more interested in exploring her world with you, and shows interest in colours, music and touching things, it's best not to over-stimulate your child. For example, there's no need to buy all sorts of toys at this age, although your child will enjoy toys such as rattles to grasp and bright objects to look at. Ordinary household objects and regular routines like feeding, bathing and dressing usually provide enough stimulation.

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