Social Development means being able to make friends and get along with others, to work as part of a team and be a good leader, all of which are built on self-confidence, cooperation and trust.
Emerging Skills
Play along side another child with enjoyment
Recognize themselves in family photographs
Notice sex differences
Show independence (for example, try to dress and feed themselves)
Through the comfort and responsiveness of an adult, toddlers
will learn how to handle their emotions and how to seek help when needed.
Parents Can:
Use everyday routines, such as meals, going to child care or going for a walk, as a time to talk about friends and family members
Child Will:
Begin to develop a sense of himself within the family and/or community
Notice girls and boys
Name familiar people, pets or things
Parents Can:
Respond to their toddler who is trying to share her feelings about an experience or event
Child Will:
Feel safe and secure
Feel important, as you are giving her your undivided attention
Begin to communicate about those social situations she enjoys and those she does not
Through opportunities for play, toddlers will experience joyful, free, spontaneous moments of fun while also learning about themselves and others.
Parents Can:
Follow their toddler's lead, rather than direct the play
Make suggestions, but allow their toddler to have some control over his activities
Child Will:
Develop self-confidence
Feel more independent
Develop a strong sense of self
Parents Can:
Use family photographs as an opportunity for their toddler to find himself and identify family members
Child Will:
Develop a sense of family and connectedness
Understand himself as a separate and unique individual
Parents Can:
Set up water play with dolls, sponges, washcloths and towels as an activity with another playmate
Child Will:
Enjoy the sensory pleasure from playing with water
Play side-by-side with a playmate
Engage in simple pretend play
Through routines, and emotionally and physically safe and secure environments, toddlers can learn how to think, solve problems and communicate.
Parents Can:
Take their toddler to new places, where she can meet children and explore different types of play
Child Will:
Expand her understanding of people and places in her environment
Learn how to relate to others in different settings
Parents Can:
Give their toddler the chance to help with chores around the house, such as wiping up spills, taking laundry out of a basket and putting plastic containers away in a cupboard
Child Will:
Feel independent and confident
Feel he is performing the same tasks that adults around him are doing