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Coping: Time away from my baby

During the first few weeks after your baby is born, you are probably not going to have the time, energy or desire to leave your baby. Eventually, though, you will want to spend time together with family or friends. Here are some tips on how to ease back into circulation:

  • Plan ahead for your outing, and how you are going to go out.

  • Look for a babysitter fairly soon after the birth or even before your baby is born.

  • Choose someone you trust, a family member or someone you know well to take care of your baby.

  • Have the sitter come over to help care for your baby while you are at home for the first few times.

  • Plan to go out for only a short period of time for the first few times.

  • Time your outings around your baby's schedule.

  • Plan for plenty of time to give the sitter a thorough orientation.

  • Leave a number where you can be reached.

  • You may still experience some anxiety, so call home to check how things are going.

  • The first few times may be stressful, but your ability to relax will improve as you take more occasions away from your baby.

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