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"Putting my four-year-old son to bed has turned into such a chore."

He does everything in his power to resist going. It's so frustrating!

TEACH Children certainly can be creative when it comes to finding reasons to stay up late. To avoid a nightly struggle, establish a clear bedtime routine and, more importantly, stick to it. Children who learn that their stalling tactics sometimes work will continue to resist going to bed. However, if they know what to expect, they will feel more secure and, over time, they'll be more likely to cooperate.

COMFORT Start your routine at the same time every night and begin early so you are not rushed. Make this a special occasion when you can give your child your full attention. Cuddle and comfort him lots at bedtime. This not only helps him relax and wind down but it also results in loving moments between you and your son that you can both look forward to.

PLAY When a routine has turned into a chore, remember the value of play. If your child's bedtime ritual includes things that are playful and enjoyable, such as singing songs, reading books, telling stories or laughing together, he will be less inclined to resist the experience and more apt to join in the fun.

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