I involve my child in some work around the house.


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Holiday Entertaining and Visiting Others with your Baby

The holidays are a time for socializing. Your baby is bound to attract lots of attention from family and friends during this time. While this can be stressful, it also provides many opportunities for your baby to interact with others.

You can take advantage of the holidays to teach your baby skills that will promote her social and emotional development.
  • Let others play with, talk to and hold your baby. Take things slowly, one person at a time and stay nearby to make sure that she can still see you if she needs you. She will learn to feel comfortable with others and feel secure that you are there for her.

  • Allow her to spend time with the other babies in your family and amongst your friends. Place them so they can gaze at each other and reach out to each other.

  • Be attentive to signals that she is over-stimulated or that she doesn’t want to go to a particular person. While it is beneficial for her to interact with others, it may be difficult to interact with so many people. Let her tell you when she has had enough, and who she wants to be with.

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