I involve my child in some work around the house.


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Spend your kids to college

KidsFutures is a new and innovative loyalty program for Canadian families who want to save money for a child’s future college or university education. Now, you can help a special child in your life and all young children in Canada at the same time…all at no extra cost to you.

Sign up for your FREE KidsFutures membership today. When you join, Invest in Kids will benefit by earning $5 for each new member sign up. When you sign up, simply use Invest in Kids’ referral code provided here:

Invest in Kids referral Code #1050165

Special $10 Offer

Plus, when you join before midnight, December 31st, 2004, KidsFutures will offer you a special bonus of $10 in KidsFutures Rewards. All you have to do is complete just one eligible transaction with any KidsFutures Partner in the 12 months following your registration. For more information on Partners in the KidsFutures program, please visit www.kidsfutures.ca or call 1-866-SAVE4KIDS.

Earn Cash not Points

As a KidsFutures Member, you earn actual cash rewards simply by purchasing the goods and services you use every day. From renting a car to buying toothpaste, diapers, toys, a computer or going to the movies, KidsFutures helps you save money in a variety of ways. What's more, all education savings you generate in the KidsFutures program can be channeled into a new or existing Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) of your choice and qualify for an additional 20% bonus top-up thanks to the federal government's generous Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) - up to $400 in free grants per year, per child.

In addition to the Rewards you receive, Invest in Kids will receive directly from KidsFutures 5% of all the Member Rewards earned - forever. Think about it. You can shop for your usual household needs, save for a child’s future education and support Invest in Kids in a very tangible way, all at the same time, and all at no extra cost to you!

Start today to help Canadian children get the best possible start in life.

Remember your Invest in Kids referral code: #1050165

Sign up for your KidsFutures membership by www.kidsfutures.ca.

For more information about KidsFutures and how you can save for a child's post-secondary education, please click here.

KidsFutures directs a percentage of its corporate revenues to Invest in Kids in an effort to support our initiatives to strengthen the parenting knowledge, skills and confidence of Canadian parents. There is no cost to you, the consumer.

Spend your kids to college

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