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Nobody's Perfect

Nobody’s Perfect is a parenting education and support program for parents of children from birth to age five. It is designed to meet the needs of parents who are young, single, socially or geographically isolated or who have low income or limited formal education. This 4 day Institute prepares participants to become Nobody’s Perfect facilitators.

Community workers, public health nurses and parents have been trained as Nobody’s Perfect facilitators. Facilitation training provides information about delivering the Nobody’s Perfect Program and develops skills for helping adults learn in group settings.

Institute Features:
The Institute provides a rich and engaging learning environment that includes:
  • Nobody’s Perfect was developed by Health Canada in partnership with the Departments of Health of the four Atlantic Provinces and introduced nationally in 1987.
  • Nobody’s Perfect parent materials were extensively revised and updated in 1997 and are published in both French and English. Alternative formats are available on request in both official languages.
  • Nobody’s Perfect is usually offered as a series of 6 to 8 weekly group sessions. The program is built around five colourful, easy-to-read books which are given to the parents free of charge. During the meetings, trained facilitators support participants as they work together to discover ways of parenting.

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