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Children, even the newborn infant, love songs. The "Beehive" is a wonderful fingerplay gets children singing and counting with their fingers all at the same time. For this one, you don't even need to be able to carry a tune!

Here are the words and actions

Here is the beehive. (Hold up on fist)
Where are the bees? (Hand across eyebrows, looking)
Hidden away where nobody sees. (Point to closed hand)
Here they come buzzing
Out of the hive -
One, two, three, four and five! (Open up one finger for each number)

Comfort, Play & Teach™ Message

Comfort: Children feel secure when they hear familiar tunes or poems repeatedly.

Play: The playfulness of the words lets you and your child use your imagination. The more animated you are the more fun this will be for you and your tot!

Teach: Fingerplays such as this are not only a fun way to teach children numbers, but it also gets the fine motor skills moving as children try to coordinate one finger at a time coming out.

For Ages: Infants and up

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Content Provided By:
Airdrie Family Services

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