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Playground Safety

Playground injuries can be reduced or PREVENTED with some simple guidelines:

Safe Equipment:

  • Has at least 12 inches of impact-absorbing surface such as sand or pea gravel under and around all of the equipment.
  • Is age and skill appropriate for your child(ren).
  • Has hand and guard rails in place and security attached.
  • Should not have gaps or protrusions that can catch clothing.

Children should know playground safety rules:

  • Always wear shoes and do not wear clothing with strings.
  • Bike helmets should not be worn in the playground area.
  • Watch for and steer clear from moving equipment like swings.
  • On the slide, go feet first, one at a time, in a sitting position.
  • Take turns, be courteous. No pushing and shoving.
  • Know how to use the equipment properly and only use it in the way it was intended.

REMEMBER ADULTS: when it comes to safety, NOTHING takes the place of your careful and caring supervision.

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Content Provided By:
Airdrie Family Services

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