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Baby Oral Health: Pregnancy through Childhood

This educational video is intended for new parents and parents of young children and also for anybody responsible for the care of young children. It is intended to answer questions that are most frequently asked regarding a child's oral health. This video will address the following topics:

  • The Role of Healthy Pregnancy in the Development of Baby Teeth
  • Stages of Baby Tooth Development
  • Healthy Nutrition for Healthy Baby Teeth
  • Oral Hygiene
  • Fluoride: Benefits and Proper Use
  • Where Do Bacteria in the Mouth Come From?
  • Night Feeding Habits
  • Early Baby Tooth Decay
  • Oral Habits
  • Prevention of Injuries
  • The Baby's First Dental Visit
  • Regular Dental Visits

Please click here to watch the video.
Length: approximately 19 minutes.

(If you cannot view the video by clicking the link above, click here to download the QuickTime free player.)

Content provided by:

Dr. Gajanan (Kiran) Kulkarni BDS, LL B, M Sc, D Ped Dent, Ph D, FRCD(C)
Associate Professor
Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry
University of Toronto

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