I find that the Holiday season is the most stressful time of the year for me.


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Ban Baby Walkers

Every year over 1,000 children are injured in baby walkers. Safe Kids Canada has been advocating a ban on baby walkers to Health Canada over the past year. On September 15th, 2003 the Consumer Product Safety Bureau of Health Canada issued a proposal to recommend prohibiting the sale, import and advertising of baby walkers under the Hazardous Products Act. A public consultation process is currently underway by Health Canada, closing November 3, 2003. Invest In Kids fully supports Safe Kids Canada’s call for a mandatory ban on baby walkers with wheels. We invite you to find out more by reading Safe Kids Canada’s position statement on the issue. If you are in agreement, we encourage you to write your own letter to Health Canada in support of the ban.

Safe Kids Canada Position Statement
Safe Kids Canada Sample Letter of Support

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