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Invest in Kids Expert: Liane Comeau

Liane Comeau, B.Psych.
Manager, Programs and Research

Liane Comeau is the liaison to the Growing Together sites across Canada and the Parent Help Line. She writes parent education materials including the Get Set for Life column in Coup de pouce magazine and oversees all French-language materials and initiatives. Ms. Comeau is also responsible for reviewing educational resources for inclusion on our lists of recommended resources for parents and professionals.

Ms. Comeau has a Bachelor of Psychology from the Université de Moncton in New Brunswick and is in the final process of completing a Ph.D. in language development at McGill University in Montréal, Québec. She has received numerous scholarships from 1991-1999 while studying at Université de Moncton and McGill University and was awarded the Guy Bégin Prize for the best scientific publication by a student from the Société Québécoise de Recherche en Psychologie (Quebec Society for Research in Psychology).

A published author of several articles on bilingualism and research, Ms. Comeau’s work contributes to the understanding of bilingualism among Canadian children.

Ms. Comeau is a member of the Society for Research in Child Development.

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