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Safety: Common poisonous plants

Here is an alphabetical list of common house and garden plants that are poisonous and/or hazardous to young children. This is not a complete list and you should contact your local poison control centre if you have any question regarding other plants.

  • apple tree
  • autumn crocus
  • azalea
  • belladonna lily
  • bleeding heart
  • buttercups
  • cherry tree
  • christmas rose
  • chrysanthemum
  • clematis
  • daffodil
  • dieffenbachia
  • elderberry
  • elephant's ear
  • English holly
  • English ivy
  • fig tree
  • horse chestnut tree
  • hyacinth
  • hydrangea
  • iris
  • lily of the valley
  • milkweed
  • mistletoe
  • morning glory
  • narcissus
  • nightshade
  • oleander
  • peach tree
  • philodendron
  • poinsettia
  • poison hemlock
  • poison ivy
  • poison oak
  • potato (eyes, stems, spoiled parts)
  • rhododendron
  • rhubarb leaves
  • strawberry bush
  • sweetpea
  • tobacco
  • tomato leaves
  • wild mushrooms (all wild mushrooms, fungi and toadstools should be considered toxic until known to be otherwise)
  • wisteria
  • yellow jasmine

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