Summer Activities

Summer is the time for families to enjoy the warm weather together. There is just so much to do! Here are some ideas to help parents prepare for the summer months and some things to think about that will help to keep children healthy and safe. Summer provides many opportunities to Comfort, Play & Teach.


  • Protecting your child from the sun is an important way to ensure your child’s comfort. Buy sunscreen with minimum SPF 15, always applying it thirty minutes before outdoor play. Make sure your child wears a wide brimmed hat. Schedule outdoor play for before 11 a.m. and after 3 p.m. when the sun’s rays are weaker.

  • Find a nice shady tree and spread out a blanket under it. You and your child can lie down and look at shapes in the clouds, read picture books together or make necklaces from dandelions. These are some lovely ways to relax together.


  • Think of different ways to beat the heat! Fill up spray bottles and mist each other with cold water. Sprinkle some powder paint on paper and make patterns with it using an ice cube. Blend together some yogourt, fresh fruit and honey into refreshing shakes that you can sip together. Activities like these can help hot people stay cool!

  • Summer often brings many thunder storms. Plan for both outdoor activities, like playing at the park or trips to the zoo, as well as indoor activities like building a fort from sheets and chairs, making frozen juice popsicles or putting on a paper bag puppet show. Sign out some library books and choose activities together. Begin to plan your fun summer!


  • Remember how much is available in your community. Often libraries, recreation centres, conservatories, museums and galleries run special programs for parents and children throughout the summer. You and your child can explore these together, learning many new ideas and making new friends along the way.

  • Review safety rules with your child. Remind them how to play safely at the park. Talk about how to avoid insect bites. Explain the weather to your child, so they understand why it is important to protect their skin, or drink lots of water. You will be teaching them how to take proper care of their bodies, while they learn to understand the cycle of the seasons.