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Comfort, Play & Teach: A Positive Approach to ParentingTM helps you encourage your child's social, emotional and intellectual development.
Reliable information on a wide range of topics.
What to expect and how you can help, as your child grows and develops.
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Invest in Kids works every day to make a lasting difference in the lives of children from birth to age five. Invest in Kids translates the science of parenting and child development into easy-to-understand, engaging, relevant resources for parents and professionals - thereby strengthening the parenting knowledge, skills and confidence of all those who touch the lives of our youngest children.

Almost 1 in 3 Kids are at Risk.

You can help us right now - by making an easy and secure online donation - that will support Invest in Kids' work to ensure the healthy development of children from birth to age five. For every dollar that you give, 85 cents goes directly towards helping parents and children.
We have a variety of projects and initiatives which require financial support. Find out more about the need, our work and our projects.
Financial donations are only one way that you can help us help kids. Learn more about the many ways that you can support the work of Invest in Kids.
Learn about Invest in Kids' exciting and very successful signature fundraising events and how you can participate or become a sponsor. Find out more about how you can hold your own event to support our work!
Invest in Kids recognizes and appreciates the support of all of our donors, sponsors and partners who help make our work possible. Find out more about who gives and how you can be recognized for your own gift.
For more information we invite you to contact a member of our Development Team who will be more than happy to assist you.

Thank you for your interest in supporting Invest in Kids.
With your help, we can make a difference.

Invest in Kids is a member of The Canadian Centre for Philanthropy and adheres to the Association of Fundraising Professional's Code of Ethics and Donor Bill of Rights.

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