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Battle of the Brains

About Battle of the Brains®

Battle of the Brains® is the black-tie gala fundraiser with a unique twist: 50 or more teams from Canada's corporate elite come together to compete in a rousing battle of wits. The evening includes a cocktail reception followed by a sumptuous dinner. During the game, accuracy and speed are essential as teams compete to answer knowledge-testing questions in a range of categories from arts to sports, current affairs to fashion, geography to pop culture.

This year's event was held on April 15, 2020 at the CBC Canadian Broadcasting Centre, Toronto. Hosted by CBC personalityRed Green, the winner of the 2004 Battle Cup was Capital One. While only one team can win the coveted Battle Cup, the real winners are Canada's youngest children. The 2004 event raised just over $400,000 for Invest in Kids' initiatives in parent education, public education, research and professional education.

Opportunities to get Involved

Event Sponsors
The generous support of the private sector helps to fund the majority of Invest in Kids' efforts and over its 11-year history, Battle of the Brains® has generated over 4 million dollars to support our initiatives.

Please visit the Battle of the Brains® 2004 past sponsors.

Through event sponsorship, your name, logo and corporate messaging can be placed in front of a desirable target market of over 500 of Canada's corporate elite.

Sponsorship Levels:

Presenting Sponsor - $100,000
Challenge Sponsor - $40,000
Dinner Sponsor - $40,000
Reception Sponsor - $20,000
Category Sponsor - $5,000
Supporting Sponsor less than - $5000

Gifts-in Kind
To allow every dollar raised to go directly towards helping Canada's youngest children, we work hard to reduce the operating costs of this event by garnering in-kind support. In-kind sponsorship provides much needed support, reducing the costs of our production, reception, banquet, volunteer meals or prizes.

The benefits of recognition for sponsorships and in-kind donations are relative to the level of support you wish to provide. Invest in Kids is flexible and is prepared to customize sponsor recognition to meet your needs. Some examples of benefits include:

Logo recognition in newspaper ads promoting the event

  • Prominence on Invest in Kids' website
  • Logo recognition on event materials
  • Logo recognition on event signage and logo loop
  • Sampling Opportunity/Product Display
  • Logo recognition on Challenge Board
  • acknowledgement in Invest in Kids' newsletter and annual report

Play the Game - Register a Team
We hope you will consider fielding a team in this fun, interactive gala event. The entry fee is $10,000 per team of ten. Choice table locations will be on a "first come, first served" basis. Best of all, your corporate table can help Canada's youngest children by supporting Invest in Kids' initiatives in parent education, public education, research and professional education.

For more information on Battle of the Brains®, please contact:

Development Department
416-977-1222 ext. 240
[email protected]

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