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Invest in Kids Day

About Invest in Kids Day

For the last three years, Scotia Capital has made a very special investment - in the future of Canada's youngest children through Invest in Kids Day. During this special day, Scotia Capital donates the commissions generated from institutional equity trades to Invest in Kids. With the help of Scotia Capital and its partners, Invest in Kids Day enables us to reach our goal of making a difference in the lives of our country's greatest asset - our youngest children.

On Thursday, February 26th , 2004, for the third consecutive year, Scotia Capital hosted Invest in Kids Day, this year donating $1,031,000 raised from institutional equity trading commissions to help Canada's children get the best possible start in life. This brought the three-year total to $2,549,000.

How to participate

You can help Scotia Capital make Invest in Kids Day a success. Here is how:

Mark your calendars for next year's event and ask that your institutional equity trade be completed on Invest in Kids Day through Scotia Capital.

For more information on Invest in Kids Day and how you can support this event, please contact:

Development Department
416-977-1222 ext. 240
[email protected]

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