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Kids Have Stress Too!

Kids Have Stress Too! (KHST!) is a program designed by the Psychology Foundation of Canada to help parents and caregivers better understand how to recognize stress in children, identify stressors, and teach kids age-appropriate stress-management techniques. This program is for parents with children from preschool to age nine, an age group with wide variations in emotional and intellectual abilities. Participants will be trained as Facilitators to deliver the KHST! program at workshops and/or use in their own programs with children of that age group.

The training and Facilitator Guide are intended to support public health nurses, early childhood educators, teachers, mental health service providers, social workers, parent educators, community development staff, and psychologists.

Institute Features:
  • A 90-page Facilitator’s Resource Guide
  • A set of four public awareness posters on childhood stress
  • Attractively produced materials for distribution to parents
  • The opportunity to participate in ongoing research and evaluation
Institute Goals:
  • To prepare practitioners from different disciplines to become trained facilitators about how stress can affect children’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual well being and appropriate stress management techniques

New Training dates:

June 28 - Kids Have Stress Too!
Edmonton, ON
9:00am -4:00pm
$200 per participant
Contact: Lovette Ferguson 780-481-3451 or [email protected]

July 28, 2020 - Kids Have Stress Too!
Toronto, ON
9:00am - 4:00pm
$200 per participant
Contact: Claire Woolford 416-977-1222 x226 or [email protected]

October 6, 2020 - Kids Have Stress Too!
Ottawa, ON
9:00am - 4:00pm
$200 per participant
Contact: Claire Woolford 416-977-1222 x226 or [email protected]

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