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Comfort, Play & Teach: A Positive Approach to ParentingTM helps you encourage your child's social, emotional and intellectual development.
Reliable information on a wide range of topics.
What to expect and how you can help, as your child grows and develops.
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Our Work

Invest in Kids is directed by a staff of experts in child development, parenting, research, marketing and communications who work in collaboration with a national network of specialists in various disciplines to implement initiatives in research, public education, parent education and professional education.

Research: To anchor our work with the latest science and best practices and understand the gaps between science and practice.

Public Education: To build community support for positive parenting and healthy child development.

Parent Education: To reach and support parents with practical, actionable and relevant resources and products.

Professional Education: To reach and support, with specialized training and materials, the professionals who influence parents.

Learn more about Our Funding.

For more information about our work, please contact:

Development Department
416-977-1222 ext. 240
[email protected]

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