I play with my child every day


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Comfort, Play & Teach Tips: Playing with your Child

Comfort, Play & Teach: A Positive Approach to Parenting was developed by the child development experts at Invest in Kids to help you make the most of your childs first five years. Comfort, Play & Teach are three simple ideas, but when you put them into action they can have a big effect on your childs development. In fact, the things you do with your child every day will help him be the best he can be.

Comfort your child - comfort is the first thing that children need from parents. When you comfort your child, she learns to feel secure, loved and valued.

Play with your child - Play is the work of children and you are an essential partner. When you play with your child, he learns to explore and discover the world and his role in it.

Teach your child - Teach is how parents help their children learn. When you teach your child, she learns how to relate to others, solve problems and communicate.

Mom and Dad are a childs first and favourite playmate, and having time to enjoy each others company is important. So make time to laugh and play together. Naturally, as your child grows, there will be times when you have to set limits. Play is your childs gateway to the world around her. Play will take many shapes and forms as your childs abilities grow and develop. It starts with a noise maker you shake together, to a turn-taking game, to pretend play where your child acts as the parent and you become the child! Whatever it looks like join in!

Play can be part of the things you do with your child every day. When you get down to your childs level, you will see things from her point of view and she will be delighted to have you so close and engaged with her. When youre not sure what to do, let her take the lead and you follow. And remember, have fun!

Here are some ways you can play with your child:

If you do this:
Your baby will:
  • Play a game in which you and your baby copy each others simple actions. Try clapping, shaking a toy, or blowing a kiss.
  • Learn to watch and copy an action.
  • Learn that she can make an adult follow her lead!
If you do this:
Your baby will:
  • Use music to help your toddler practice words and move to rhythms.
  • Use music to help your toddler practice dancing.
  • Discover the fun of singing and words and move to rhythms.
  • Listen to rhythms.
  • Learn new words and actions.
If you do this:
Your baby will:
  • Play different card games, like Go Fish or Memory.
  • Learn basic game rules and how to take turns.
  • Practice matching, counting and remembering.

How do you play with your child? Take a minute to fill out our monthly survey, and for more ideas, visit the Comfort, Play & Teach section of our website.

Visit us again for a feature on Teach.

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