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Review of Prevention/Early Intervention

Invest in Kids commissioned a study to evaluate the scientific rigor of over 4,000 prevention and early intervention studies worldwide. This landmark review, "An Evidence-based Literature Review on Outcomes in Psychosocial Prevention and Early Intervention for Families with Young Children" by Drs. Patricia Mrazek and C. Hendricks Brown, features the top thirty-four studies which meet high standards of scientific rigor.

Because of its immediate applicability to the federal/provincial Early Childhood Development Agreement, Health Canada and Human Resources Development Canada provided support to Invest in Kids to host a national conference of debate and dialogue among researchers and policymakers from across the country. At this productive meeting researchers and policymakers found common ground in a neutral setting provided by Invest in Kids to propose several concrete recommendations on how to evaluate "What Works" in intervention models and programs for Canadian families with young children.

The evidence-based review, the conference report and the recommendations of Invest in Kids Research Advisory Group have been combined into one document, "The State Of Knowledge about Prevention/Early Intervention Research: Summary of Reports, Summary of Conference and Recommendations." This document will be of particular interest to policymakers, researchers and program planners planning large-scale early childhood development initiatives.

The findings may be accessed directly through the pdf file below. Or visit our store to purchase a bound hardcopy of the report.

To purchase a bound copy of the report, please click here .

The summary of Drs. Patricia Mrazek and C. Hendricks Brown’s literature review, as well as the summary of a report on this review by Claire Crooks and Ray DeV. Peters, can also be downloaded below.

SUMMARY of: "Several Methods of Summarizing Outcome Findings from Mrazek & Brown's Evidence-Based Literature Review of Psychosocial Prevention and Early Intervention Programs for Young Children" -- a report by Claire Crooks and Ray DeV. Peters
SUMMARY of: "An Evidence-Based Literature Review: Outcomes in Psychosocial Prevention and Early Intervention in Young Children" By: Patricia Mrazek, M.S.W., Ph.D. and C. Hendricks Brown, Ph.D.

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