| Social Development means being able to make friends and get along with others, to work as part of a team and be a good leader, all of which are built on self-confidence, cooperation and trust.
Parents Can: Give their baby the opportunity to be independent in daily activities. For example, "Can Gina bring mommy a diaper?" This means setting things up a little differently so Gina can reach the diapers | Child Will: Begin to show independenceFeel proud about what she is doingWant more independence
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Parents Can: Give their baby the opportunity to feed herself. For example, drink juice in a sippy cup she can hold or feed herself during a meal | Child Will: Feel independentFeel proud of her newly emerging abilitiesExpress her preferences, for example, for a particular cup, or plate or type of food
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Parents Can: Provide regular opportunities for their baby to play with other children his ageConsider joining a play group | Child Will: Want to interact with othersInitiate interactive play with adults
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Parents Can: Introduce make believe toys (such as dolls or puppets) and join their baby in this play | Child Will: Enjoy recreating familiar actionsExperiment with expressions and reactions
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Parents Can: Explore picture books together, making up stories and labelling pictures | Child Will: Enjoy spending time in a physically close and intimate wayBegin to develop an interest and curiosity about books
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Parents Can: Teach by example, and model sharing with othersDescribe how she is sharingTry not to force the issue – it takes time to learn | Child Will: Begin to learn about play expectations with othersBe introduced to the notion of sharingTry to give another child a toy
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Parents Can: Use “yes” and “no” to clearly set limits and explain whyRespond warmlyGive advance notice when activities are going to end | Child Will: Begin to use "yes" and "no" to respond to questionsBegin to cooperate more oftenFeel secure
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Parents Can: Encourage their baby to feed himself and drink from a cup | Child Will: Develop a sense of independenceEnjoy his new found abilities, although the process is messy
| | Emotional Development: 12 to 18 months Intellectual Development: 12 to 18 months Intellectual Development - Language: 12 to 18 months Intellectual Development - Problem Solving: 12 to 18 months