My Child
Stress: Tips for managing stress

Here are some TIPS for managing stress. If you would like some OVERALL STRATEGIES, please read the topic, "Stress: How to deal with my stress."

  • Take some quiet time in a relaxing setting such as the library, park or botanical garden, or go for a leisurely walk.

  • Talk to your partner, a trusted friend or family member.

  • Get together with friends, for example, participate in a pot luck meal.

  • Give or receive a hug, cuddle with your partner or a loved one.

  • Do something you enjoy and haven't done for awhile - go to a movie, rent a video, read a book or magazine or garden.

  • Treat yourself to a candlelit bubble bath, or a massage.

  • Set aside some time for your hobby or take a course on something you would enjoy.

  • Keep up with regular physical exercise, yoga, breathing and/or relaxation exercises.

  • Listen to music, sing or play an instrument.

  • Play with your child.

  • Meditate or pray, or take imaginary vacations (for example, imagine yourself on a beach or in a place you know and enjoy).

  • Take a mini-vacation - for example, visit an out-of-town friend.

  • Rest - sleep, take a nap and allow for stretch breaks at work.

  • Eat regularly and wisely - avoid overindulging in binge eating, caffeine, sugar, chocolate, alcohol, drugs and tobacco.

  • Pace yourself - make a list of what needs to be done, prioritize and set realistic time lines.

  • Concentrate on the present, and not on what happened in the past or what might happen in the future.

  • Express your needs and important opinions - don't be afraid to stand up for yourself or ask for help.

  • Replace negative thoughts about yourself with positive thoughts about your past successes or pleasant times in your life.

  • See the doctor if you are feeling physically or emotionally unwell.

  • Explore your community resources - such as a support group or financial aid.


Learn to recognize the early signs of stress, and apply the strategies that work best for you before your symptoms build.

If you find yourself feeling close to the breaking point, having a lot of trouble dealing with day-to-day activities, crying a lot, having trouble eating and sleeping, or feeling all your relationships are in trouble, it's time to get some outside help. Discuss this with your physician. Don't hesitate. In addition, if you are in Canada, and you wish to speak to a counsellor about this, contact Parent Help Line, 1-888-603-9100.