Your Child From 1� to 2� Years
From Early Toddler to the Terrific Twos:
The Most Important Developmental Achievements
Typically Can: Typically Can:
green-arrow.gif Play alongside another child with enjoyment green-arrow.gif Understand "today" and "soon" but not "yesterday"
green-arrow.gif At times, get frustrated and bite, hit or pull hair green-arrow.gif Name parts of the body
green-arrow.gif Recognize self and family in photograph green-arrow.gif Engage in pretend play with others
green-arrow.gif Be aware of sex differences
Emerging Skills: Emerging Skills:
green-arrow.gif Share a piece of food green-arrow.gif Count up to 5
green-arrow.gif Take turns in a song or game green-arrow.gif Match familiar objects by colour
green-arrow.gif Begin to be toilet trained green-arrow.gif Understand concept of one
green-arrow.gif Group things by form and size
Typically Can: Typically Can:
green-arrow.gif Point to at least one body part green-arrow.gif Be away from parents for a short time without being too upset
green-arrow.gif Name some pictures in a book green-arrow.gif Show fears and be able to be settled down
green-arrow.gif Repeat words green-arrow.gif Demand own way for much of time
green-arrow.gif Use 2 - 4 word sentences green-arrow.gif Be attached to cuddly or favourite toy
green-arrow.gif Follow simple commands green-arrow.gif Be unhappy about any changes in routine
Emerging Skills: Emerging Skills:
green-arrow.gif Sing simple songs green-arrow.gif Learn to listen and follow simple directions
green-arrow.gif Use personal pronouns such as "mine", "me", "you" green-arrow.gif Name several emotions and identify them in others
green-arrow.gif Express feelings verbally (e.g., "I'm mad")
Typically Can: Typically Can:
green-arrow.gif Run without falling green-arrow.gif Take lids off jars
green-arrow.gif Walk backwards and sideways green-arrow.gif Draw vertical line
green-arrow.gif Climb over furniture green-arrow.gif Build tower of 5 blocks
green-arrow.gif Walk upstairs alternating feet green-arrow.gif Complete simple inset puzzle
green-arrow.gif Walk along a line
green-arrow.gif Nest jars and squares
Emerging Skills: Emerging Skills:
green-arrow.gif Kick a ball green-arrow.gif Clutch pencil with whole hand
green-arrow.gif Walk a few steps on tiptoe green-arrow.gif Hold brush and paint on paper
green-arrow.gif Throw and retrieve objects green-arrow.gif Use small scissors to cut
green-arrow.gif Jump in place, both feet off the floor green-arrow.gif String beads
green-arrow.gif Pedal a tricycle green-arrow.gif Imitate folding paper in half

Sorting games encourage your child to sort things into two containers by colour and shape.

Sensory games let your child feel things like a brush, prickly rubber toy, sponge, sandpaper, velvet, etc. Have him/her match and name textures and objects. Put them in a bag and have the child find and name them.

Creative activities such as crayons, paint, paper and other creative materials offer a fun experience for your child. These activities will encourage eye-hand coordination, fine motor skills and give the child a sense of control.

Role-play by having a corner where your child can engage in make-believe play. Join him/her in these role-plays and pretend games, encouraging his/her imagination.

Playing with words lets your child expand his/her vocabulary. Try to label familiar objects and actions and sing familiar songs. Use picture books to label objects while also fostering an enjoyment for books. Remember to give your child a chance to use all the new words being learned.

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