Your Child From 6 to 18 Months
From Dependence to Independence:
The Most Important Developmental Achievements
Typically Can: Typically Can:
green-arrow.gif Feed self but is still messy green-arrow.gif Point to body parts
green-arrow.gif Imitate others green-arrow.gif Begin to pretend play
green-arrow.gif Drink out of a cup green-arrow.gif Initiate activities
green-arrow.gif Has no concept of sharing green-arrow.gif Realize things exist when they are out-of-sight
green-arrow.gif Fight limit setting
green-arrow.gif Remain "egocentric" and think the world exsists for him/her
Emerging Skills: Emerging Skills:
green-arrow.gif Pull on pants green-arrow.gif Sort and match things
green-arrow.gif Play alongside another child green-arrow.gif Distinguish colours and shapes
green-arrow.gif Begin to understand the passing of time and the meaning of "when we go home", "not now", and "tomorrow"
Typically Can: Typically Can:
green-arrow.gif Say a few words green-arrow.gif Be very curious and "gets into things"
green-arrow.gif Use gestures as well to show they want something green-arrow.gif Become more of an individual
green-arrow.gif Understand simple instructions green-arrow.gif Be reluctant to change
green-arrow.gif Follow one command green-arrow.gif Be subject to mood swings and tantrums
Emerging Skills: Emerging Skills:
green-arrow.gif Listen to a story green-arrow.gif Concentrate on a task for some time
green-arrow.gif Sing songs green-arrow.gif Show concern for others
green-arrow.gif Understand far more words than will say
Typically Can: Typically Can:
green-arrow.gif Walk alone green-arrow.gif Place 10 cubes in a cup
green-arrow.gif Walk up and down stairs with hand held green-arrow.gif Grasp items with thumb and forefinger
green-arrow.gif Throw a ball green-arrow.gif Target small objects
green-arrow.gif Turn head freely green-arrow.gif Stack 3 - 4 blocks
green-arrow.gif Sit down from standing green-arrow.gif Turn page of a book
green-arrow.gif "Dance" to music green-arrow.gif Scribble
green-arrow.gif Ride on small-wheeled toys green-arrow.gif Fill and empty containers
Emerging Skills: Emerging Skills:
green-arrow.gif Step backwards green-arrow.gif Fold paper
green-arrow.gif Step sideways green-arrow.gif Attempt simple puzzles
green-arrow.gif Begin to run green-arrow.gif Imitate a stroke
green-arrow.gif Jump and climb
green-arrow.gif Seat self on a small chair

Movement games are important and great fun at this age and also help contribute to a strong sense of separateness and strength of the child's own body. These games can include "dancing" to music, "follow the leader", riding toys and jumping jacks.

Pretend games can be introduced by songs and stories such as "Anybody Home", "Row-Row-Row Your Boat", and pretending to be a monster. Make sure your monster is not too scary!

Language activities such as singing songs, nursery rhymes and verses, or reading books Introduce your child to familiar words and sounds. Bounce him/her on your lap while you sing the songs and play the games. Making animal and other familiar sounds and linking them to pictures will help your child put sounds, objects and pictures together.

Songs and rhymes should be fun and repeated often since children will gradually become familiar with tunes and words they hear frequently.

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