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"Could my 4-year-old daughter benefit from recreational programs?"

Organized activities can be good ways for children to develop skills, make new friends, and boost their self-esteem. The most important thing that will determine if your daughter benefits from an activity is whether she is having fun.

Make sure she is interested in the activity, and that it matches her level of ability. Be enthusiastic about the things she is learning and the aspects of the activity she enjoys, rather than focusing on who wins and comparing her to other children. Watch her games or lessons and keep in touch with the coach or instructor so that you know how your child is progressing.

If she doesn't want to continue an activity and she's given it a reasonable try, there is no point in forcing her to stay. She may need to try a few different activities before finding one she really likes. However, avoid placing her in several different activities at once. She needs time for other, less structured kinds of play to use her imagination and relax.

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