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"I can really lose my temper with my son. What can I do?"

One way to avoid blow-ups is to change what you and your child are doing when emotions start to rise - like moving to the swing set if you're disagreeing about playing ball.

Take a mutual time out - make sure your child is safely looked after, and then give yourself some time and space to breath deeply, relax and cool down. When you are calm, reassure your child that you are fine, and approach the situation with a fresh perspective.

Remember that your child is not usually acting in ways to make you angry. Figure out what he is really trying to tell you when he misbehaves, and think about how to handle that, instead of losing your temper. Stepping back and thinking about the problem differently often leads to a creative solution that leaves both you and your child feeling good.

If you find you can't control your outbursts, or if there's a chance you might harm your child - physically or emotionally - consult your physician, or contact your local child protection agency.

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