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Announcing a great new resource for parents - www.investinkids.ca

The Invest in Kids website provides a wealth of expert information, including:

Answers for Parents
On Child Development and Parenting Topics
Ages and Stages
What to Expect as Your Child Grows and Develops
We Recommend
Books, Websites, Videos and Magazines
Comfort, Play and Teach
A Positive Approach to Parenting™
For Professionals
Research, Training and Professional Resources

Please forward this email to someone who could benefit from this site.

Invest in Kids is a national, not-for-profit organization working to ensure the best possible start for all our children.

Thank you Scotia Capital for supporting this website

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Si vous rencontrez des difficult�s pour lire ce courriel, veuillez copier et coller l'URL suivante dans votre navigateur : http://www.investinkids.ca/Admin/Message%20Templates/fr_launch_email.htm