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Comfort, Play & Teach: A Positive Approach to ParentingTM helps you encourage your child's social, emotional and intellectual development.
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Teach your child

Comfort, Play & Teach: A Positive Approach to ParentingTM was developed by the child development experts at Invest in Kids to help you make the most of your childs first five years. Comfort, Play & Teach are three simple ideas, but when you put them into action they can have a big effect on your childs development. In fact, the things you do with your child every day will help him be the best he can be.

Comfort your child - comfort is the first thing that children need from parents. When you comfort your child, she learns to feel secure, loved and valued.

Play with your child - Play is the work of children and you are an essential partner. When you play with your child, he learns to explore and discover the world and his role in it.

Teach your child - Teach is how parents help their children learn. When you teach your child, she learns how to relate to others, solve problems and communicate.

As a parent, you will have many roles throughout your child’s life. An important role is that of teacher. Right from infancy, you begin to teach your baby how to communicate, be with others, solve problems and express thoughts and feelings. As he grows, you will teach him about right and wrong, how to keep trying when things get hard, and much more.

As you teach your child, you will need to keep in mind his abilities. What you teach and how you teach will change over time. How you respond as your child tries to learn will set the stage for how he feels about himself, and how he approaches learning in the future.

When you talk to your child, even your newborn, he begins to learn about language. When you follow his lead, you are teaching him that he can make choices and that you will respect his choice. When you work with him to solve problems, he learns to concentrate, persist, and be curious. You teach him it is worthwhile to persevere and find the solution. And remember, one of the most important ways children learn is by example – your example. Your child will spend a great deal of time watching you and how you deal with different people and situations.

Here are some more ways you can teach your child through daily routines and activities.

If you do this:
Your baby will:
  • Respond to your baby’s babbling sounds by making the same kinds of noises.
  • Know that you are interested in what he says.
  • Feel encouraged to babble.
  • Begin to imitate the sounds that will help him form words as he grows.
If you do this:
Your baby will:
  • Use numbers and counting during any kind of play where things can be counted – like blocks or dolls.
  • Imitate how you use numbers to feel “grown up”.
  • Practice counting common objects on her own, like cars and toys.
If you do this:
Your baby will:
  • Put your preschooler in charge of simple tasks, like choosing his clothes and getting dressed.
  • Feel good about himself.
  • Be more confident in his ability to be in charge and make decisions.
  • Anticipate when he needs to complete a task.

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