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My Child
Crying and Upset: Making it better

When children get upset, it can be very hard on them and the people around them.

Here are several ways to make things easier on everyone:

  • Offer your child a safe quiet place to calm down, away from others, but where she knows she is not entirely alone.

  • Help your child re-gain control of his emotions by teaching him deep breathing and to think about good things.

  • Try to calm your child by gently changing the scene into something more positive, like baking cookies, going for a walk or cuddling together while you watch TV.

  • Encourage positive, fun physical activity, like jumping on cushions, to help release strong feelings.

  • Most importantly, try to keep yourself calm when your child is upset. Remember that you can't be helpful unless you are in control of your own emotions.

  • During your regular daily life provide a good example of coping with your own emotions by saying things in front of your child like, "I'm sure I can get through this if I slow down and think about it."

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