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My Child Intellectual Development - Problem Solving: 18 to 24 months
Intellectual Development means being able to communicate, to think both creatively and abstractly, to pay attention, solve problems, and develop keen judgment and a lifelong readiness to learn.
Parents Can: Be sensitive to their toddler's frustration as she explores and may feel challenged by objects or events | Child Will: Trust that she can depend on you for comfort and support when neededFeel safe and secureHave her feelings validated
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Parents Can: Follow their toddler's lead when playing, allowing him to be the director of the activities | Child Will: Begin to develop a sense of control about what he doesBegin to feel that you value his effortsFeel confident enough to take risks while playing, and secure in the knowledge that you are there if a problem should arise
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Parents Can: Provide different size containers for sand play | Child Will: Explore size relationships in objectsExplore how size and shape effect quantityExperiment with concepts of full and empty
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Parents Can: Provide different objects for squeezing during bath time | Child Will: Enjoy squeezing sponges or old shampoo bottles, and watching how the water drips, pours or tricklesBegin to see how different objects produce different responsesPractice experimenting to find out what happens with certain actions
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Parents Can: Point out familiar sounds when walking or playing outside, such as car horns, fire truck sirens and dog barks | Child Will: Begin to distinguish different soundsBegin to group animal sounds as opposed to mechanical sounds
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Parents Can: Use routines as an opportunity to point out sequences of events, for example, "First we get dressed, and then we eat breakfast." | Child Will: Begin to understand temporal relations, such as "first," "then" and "after"Begin to have a sense about sequences of events and routines
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Parents Can: Provide simple form board or shape sorter (no more than 3 shapes) | Child Will: Use trial and error experimentation in fitting the correct shape into the matching holePractice distinguishing differences among circle, square and triangleLearn to match shapes
| | Social Development: 18 to 24 months Emotional Development: 18 to 24 months Intellectual Development - Language: 18 to 24 months Intellectual Development - Numeracy: 18 to 24 months
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