Emotional Development means developing a full range of emotions, from sad to happy to angry, and learning to handle them appropriately. This leads to deeper qualities – sympathy, caring, resilience, self-esteem, assertiveness and being able to rise to life's challenges. | Emerging Skills May show attachment to one playmateMay stop nappingBegin to cope with frustration and anger betterExperience positive self-esteem that leads to feeling good about themselvesTalk about feelingsExpress needs with words (such as "I'm hungry," "I'm tired")Persevere on a difficult task for a longer period of timeShow empathy (for example, comfort a friend who is upset)Develop a sense of mastery and self esteem in specific areasFind out more about What to Expect from your preschooler, 3 to 4 Years. |
Parents Can: Model coping with emotionsProvide their preschooler with some different coping strategies | Child Will: Learn acceptable ways to copeFeel more in control of his emotions
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Parents Can: Help their preschooler cope with tantrums by talking to her about what makes her feel better when she is angry or sad | Child Will: Learn to cope with anger/tantrums Feel supported when experiencing trying emotions
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Parents Can: Explore books that talk about emotionsAsk or talk about why story characters may experience certain emotions (for example, "Why is the little girl sad?") | Child Will: Begin to develop the ability to empathize with othersExplore different feelings and the types of experiences that result in happiness, joy, anger or other emotions
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Parents Can: Ask their preschooler who his favourite playmates areArrange special play dates with his friends | Child Will: Begin to show attachment to one playmateFeel validated, as you listened to him and took actionFeel supported in his social needs
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Parents Can: Provide opportunities for their preschooler to make choices about play activities | Child Will: Develop a sense of mastery and positive self-esteem in areas he likesUnderstand that he can make decisions that are respected
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Parents Can: Help their preschooler set small and achievable goals to be accomplished during play or other activities | Child Will: Experience a sense of achievementDevelop a sense of pride in the things she chooses to doDevelop the ability to complete a task or activityDevelop a strong sense of self
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Parents Can: Talk about experiences that make their preschooler happyInclude such experiences on a daily basis, such as reading together, doing a puzzle, building with blocks and so on | Child Will: Feel supported in her desires and needsBe inclined to share her feelings with you more consistentlyFeel respected when you engage in her favourite activities
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Parents Can: Provide their preschooler with tasks such as puzzles, or drawing that require some concentration (be sure to choose a task that is appropriate to your preschooler's abilities) | Child Will: Learn to persevere on a task for a period of timeDevelop emotional skills to deal with challenges
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Parents Can: Give their preschooler some responsibility during daily routines, such as choosing his clothes and getting dressed | Child Will: Feel good about himselfDevelop confidence in his ability to be responsibleAnticipate when he needs to complete a task
| | Social Development: 3 to 4 years Intellectual Development - Language: 3 to 4 years Intellectual Development - Numeracy: 3 to 4 years Intellectual Development - Problem Solving: 3 to 4 years