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Safe Kids Week June 2-8th, 2003

Safe Kids Canada is giving communities and parents their 'From Cribs to Car Seats: Are your Kids Safe. Check it out booklet', which is designed to help parents and caregivers assess children's products prior to buying or using them. In addition to the booklet, an expanded web version of the checklist will be available outlining in more detail some of the potential dangers of products including baby walkers, bath seats, and playpens. The checklist will also provide suggestions for how to avoid injuries when using children's products.

Safe Kids Canada is strongly urging parents and caregivers to stop using baby walkers and baby bath seats as the potential for serious harm to children is simply too great. A baby walker increases mobility which poses a serious danger for falling down stairs. Walkers also increase a babies' capability to reach and pull onto themselves items such as hot drinks or kettles. As for bath seats, some babies have drowned when the suction cups on the bottom of the seats did not stick properly. Safe Kids Canada believes baby walkers and bath seats are unnecessary and not worth the risk.

For further information about Safe Kids Canada or to find out what communities in your area are hosting events, visit www.safekidscanada.ca, or call the 1-888-SAFE-TIPS line to receive the "Check It Out" booklet.

For further information from Safe Kids Canada, click below:
Safety: From Safe Kids Canada Safety tips for Toddlers (1 and 2 years old)

For more information about safety from the experts at Invest in Kids, click below:
Safety: Kitchen
Safety: Bathroom
Safety: Common poisonous plants

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