West Nile Virus Information and Tips for Children West Nile Virus, carried by mosquitoes that have bitten infected birds, is a troubling summer concern when you and your children are spending more time out of doors where mosquitoes breed, in the woods and near beaches.
Mosquitoes are most likely to come out in the early morning and early evening (dusk) when the sun isn’t strong. If possible, keep your children indoors during these times. Below are further tips for you to help your children avoid West Nile Virus and continue to enjoy the summer outdoors!
Mosquito repellant tips— - Use either DEET free mosquito repellant or repellant with no more than 10% DEET for children over 12 months old.
- Do not use any repellant with DEET for children under 12 months of age, natural repellants with citronella are effective for children and safe.
- Do not apply any insect repellent near your child’s eyes, lips, mouth or on hands as children may inadvertently rub their eyes or face.
- Do not apply on open wounds or irritated skin.
- Do not allow children to apply repellent to themselves
- Follow instruction labels, apply sparingly, do not saturate skin.
- Wash off repellent after outdoor activity
Other mosquito deterrent tips— - Have your children wear thick long-sleeved shirts and long pants treated with child safe repellents if they are outside, especially during dawn or dusk hours.
- Place mosquito netting over infant carriers or strollers when outdoors.
- Install or repair window and door screens so mosquitoes can’t get indoors.