Discipline from Birth to Three: How Teen Parents Can Prevent and Deal With Discipline Problems With Babies and Toddlers By:Jeanne Warren Lindsay, Sally McCullough Description: This book offers detailed definitions and best practices for teen parents. Topics include, an overview of child development, various approaches to positive discipline, as well as learning and educating through love and trust. Comments: This is an excellent resource for information on positive ways to handle and guide young children's behaviour. Teen parents will find the information found in this book easy to understand and useful. The quotes from other teen parents also make the content of this book entertaining and easy to relate to. Parent and other caregivers of all ages will find this book helpful in coming up with their own strategies for dealing with difficult situations.
Additional Information: | Series: | Teens Parenting Series | Ages: | Birth
- 3 Years | ISBN Number: | 1885356366 | Publication Date: | 1/1/2021 | |
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