Ages and Stages: Your Baby at 4 Months

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As your baby’s fourth month begins, you will see some truly awesome changes. This is when your baby begins to:

  • Lift her head and chest when she’s on her tummy, and extend her arms.
  • Try to grasp objects with fingers and palm now that her hands are open.
  • Laugh out loud when tickled or during social games.
  • Show anticipation and excitement by breathing heavily.
  • Turn his head to find out where a sound comes from.

Development Milestones

4 Months
Fine Motor
Gross Motor

Related Resources:
New Activity: Book Talk
Playtime: Birth to 6 Months
Crazy Goop
Homemade Bubbles

Find more activities in the Activity Centre by clicking here

Get Set for Life with the Zap Family Videos:

Watch the video...

Additional Resources:

Sensitivity to Crying Quiz

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