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Answers for Parents

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My Child
Answers for Parents

Adjusting to Baby:
Strategies on how to adjust to the new baby. Examples include sibling jealousy and postpartum depression.

Babies: Bathing my baby
Coping: How everyone can help with a new baby
Coping: Right after birth
Coping: Time away from my baby
Coping: What if I don't think I can manage with my new baby?
Moods: Postpartum depression
Newborn: Taking my new baby for an outing
Parenting: Communicating with my partner after a new baby
Parenting: Dad's involvement with a new baby
Parenting: Dealing with unwanted advice and interference
Parenting: Sharing responsibilities when baby arrives
Siblings: Helping my child adjust to a new baby
Siblings: Jealousy towards a new baby brother or sister


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