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Arts & Crafts

Making arts & crafts is a great way to spend time with your child. One of the first craft projects you can make with your child is a craft supply box. Use a plastic container or a shoe box and fill it with all the things you and your child will need such as glue, paint, paint brushes, crayons, etc. You can never have too many raw materials around for children to use. Take a look at some of our every day items you can recycle for craft supplies.

Precious Prints
Magical Me Mobile!
Magazine Mysteries
Collection Collage
Body Tracing
Snowman Kit
Finger Puppets
Zap Family Colouring Book
Homemade Silly Putty
Eggshell Chalk
Baker’s Clay Beads
First impressions hand & foot imprints
Crazy Goop
Homemade Bubbles

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