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Mornings: Why it's difficult to get up and out

These days, with both parents working in most families, mornings can be a difficult time as everyone tries to rush out the door. The result can be that each family member ends up unhappy and stressed -- as if you've already put in a day's work. But the bottom line is, you have to get to work, and your child has to get to school or childcare.

Consider the following reasons why small children dawdle in the morning:

  • Your child may not want to leave the comfort and safety of home for the outside world.

  • Your child may find it hard to move as fast as you want her to, because that speed doesn't match her natural rhythms.

  • Your child may still be tired and sleepy in the morning, so if you push him to hurry, he becomes stressed. If your child is tired almost every morning, he may need to go to bed earlier in order to get more sleep.

  • Your child may be worried that you think your work is more important than she is.

If your child seems tired, reassure him, but explain that he still has to get ready. And as frustrated as you might become, never yell at or physically hurt your child. Lastly, when you drop your child off, let him know that you're not angry with him and make it clear that you are coming back.

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