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Moods: Making my moods easier on my child

When you realize you are in an irritable, sad, depressed or angry mood, here are several ways to make your moods easier for your child to deal with:

  • Talk to your child about your moods and help her understand that it isn't because of her. Do this even if you think your child is too young to understand. Children often pick up on tone, even when they don't understand all the words.

  • Try letting your child know when you're feeling down and what you are going to do to get control of it, such as take a long walk.

  • Avoid alcohol - it is a depressant, and it can make low moods lower. It can also make it harder to keep your feelings under control.

When a low or angry mood continues for more than two weeks, and starts to affect your ability to function and get along with your family and others day-to-day, it's time to take action. Consult your physician. There may be a physical reason for your mood, or you may benefit from a doctor's referral to a counsellor. If you are in Canada, and you wish to speak to a counsellor about this, contact Parent Help Line, 1-888-603-9100.

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