The Power of Parenting
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Social Development means being able to make friends and get along with others, work as part of a team and be a good leader. These skills are all built on self-confidence, cooperation and trust.
Typical Skills
Enjoys playing alone for a few minutes, e.g., building blocks, drawing, looking at books
Shows ownership or possession of objects and cannot share easily
Says ‘no’ and likes to do things without help
Helps with simple household chores
Emerging Skills
Distinguishes herself as a separate person, contrasts herself with others
Begins to be toilet trained
Puts on simple clothing without help
- Use everyday routines (e.g., walks, meal times) as a time to talk about family and friends
- Follow your child’s lead rather than direct the play; suggest things, but let your child decide what she wants to do
- Begin to participate in a conversation and describe the people in his life
- Begin to develop a sense of control about what she does and feel that you value her efforts
- Look at photos of family events so your child can find himself and identify family members
- Set up a water play activity with another playmate; give them dolls, sponges, and towels
- Learn to recognize and name family members and think about his relationship to them
- Develop and practice social skills, like sharing and turn-taking, while enjoying a soothing sensory activity
- Prepare your child ahead of time for new social events, e.g., “At playgroup we will sing songs and listen to stories”
- Let your child help with chores, e.g., wiping spills, putting clothes in drawers
- Learn what to expect ahead of time and be able to handle new situations
- Participate and discover his capabilities