The Power of Parenting
Saturday, 19 September 2020
Intellectual Development means being able to think creatively and abstractly, to pay attention, solve problems and develop keen judgement along with a lifelong readiness to learn.
Typical Skills
Cries when hungry or uncomfortable
May make throaty sounds like ‘ooooh’ or ‘aaaah’
Enjoys being talked to and responds to voices/sounds
Pays close attention to faces of those closest to him
Responds to loud or sudden noises with a sudden start (early signs of a developing response system)
Focuses on high contrast patterns and faces; prefers these to bright or big objects
Emerging Skills
Turns toward familiar sounds and voices
Can distinguish men from women, and mother from other women’s voices
Can distinguish everyday speech from non-speech sounds
Responds to positive and negative expressions as well as subtle differences in a parent’s voice
Co-ordinates eyes and tracks objects, e.g., follows toy from side to centre of his body but only if it is in his line of vision
- Respond to your baby's cry with a song, a soothing voice and a hug
- Respond when your baby is startled by noise
- Feel his needs are being responded to
- Feel a sense of security in your response to his needs
- Hold your baby and let her see your face as much as possible
- Say rhymes, sing songs or speak softly
- Study and learn your facial features
- Responds to the sound and pitch of a parent's voice, i.e., may quiet down, gurgle, coo, etc.
- Describe what is happening as you go through daily routines
- Learn to associate a positive tone with nurturing activities
- Become familiar with certain sounds and your voice