The Power of Parenting
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Gross Motor Development allows a child to gain balance and bring large muscles under control in order to master physical activities such as sitting, crawling, walking, running, climbing, jumping and generally enjoy all that his body allows him to do.
Typical Skills
Lifts his head when held against your chest; his head sags, flops forward or backwards when not supported.
All arm, leg and hand movements are still and they move with little control;. when lying on back, tonic neck reflex characterized by bobbing head (fencer’s position) still predominates; arms and legs are waving around.
When on tummy, turns head to clear nose from bed; lifts head briefly.
Emerging Skills
Fits his form to yours when held; grasps, clasps people.
Lifts head temporarily when lying on stomach.
Holds head in line with back when pulled to sitting position.
- Gently touch/caress your baby during feeding, changing and bath time
- Massage your baby’s arms, legs and tummy
- Help you learn what type of touch he likes
- Learn that his caregivers want to make him feel comfortable
- Support your baby’s head against your shoulder as you walk her around the house
- Give your baby some tummy time
- Get to see more of her environment
- Strengthen her neck muscles as she lifts her head to see her world
- Use his name when you go towards him
- Start to learn his name and your voice