The Power of Parenting
Saturday, 19 September 2020
Here’s a simple recipe that can turn snack time into an outer space adventure! As you and your child cook and talk together, you will enjoy some Comfort, Play & Teach™ time!
You will need:
- Stalks of celery
- Cream cheese
- Raisins
- Knife (for adult use)
- Paper towel
- Wash and dry the celery stalks. Cut them into three or four small pieces.
- Put a paper towel on the table where your child will be cooking and place the pieces of celery on top, along with a small handful of raisins.
- Scoop some cream cheese into the celery pieces. Your child can use a spoon to spread the cream cheese and fill up the hollow of the celery.
- Once ready, your child can press some raisin “astronauts” into the cream cheese and then enjoy eating the snack!
Enjoy this more with Comfort, Play & Teach™:
Comfort:Chat with your child as you enjoy your snack together. Taking time to talk lets your child know you are interested in what she has to say to you and encourages her to share her experiences.
Play:Make up an outer space story as you prepare this snack together. What are the astronauts’ names? Will they visit the moon? What might they find there? Take turns adding a sentence and create an exciting space adventure together!
Teach:Count the raisins on each piece of celery and then play a “count-down” game before your child eats them. This will help her to explore numbers in a way that is fun. Four, three, two, one….blast off!