The Power of Parenting

Thursday, 04 June 2020

Emotional Development: 13 to 18 Months

Emotional Development means the development of a full range of emotions from sad to happy to angry, and learning to deal with them appropriately. This helps build self-esteem and leads to such deeper qualities as sympathy, caring, resiliency, assertiveness and empathy and the ability to rise to life’s challenges.

Typical Skills
  • Is more confident, exploring and trying new things, taking risks when a trusted adult is present or has provided reassurance
  • Shows particular interest in a music tape, special picture books or fish in a tank
  • Identifies self in mirror or photograph; becomes more of an individual
  • Hugs and kisses parents and other very familiar people and pets
  • Enjoys being the centre of attention
Emerging Skills
  • Shows jealousy when attention is given to other family members
  • Shows frustration easily
  • Displays a sense of ownership over toys and people

If you do this:

  • Encourage your child to safely explore his surroundings, e.g., cupboards
  • Give your child many opportunities to feel successful, e.g., play a game that he has initiated or allow him to take off his shoes
  • Explore his environment in a self-directed way
  • Develop a sense of competence and feeling that he can influence others
If you do this:

  • Use stories, songs or toys (teddies) to explore feelings
  • Provide opportunities for your child to play on her own
  • Express emotion in response to what she sees or hears
  • Learn to be self-reliant for small periods of time
If you do this:

  • Teach your child simple words to express his feelings, e.g., “I’m sad, I’m tired”
  • Inform him when a routine will be different and what will be happening
  • Learn to connect words to how he feels
  • Become better prepared to deal with any changes and lessen his anxiety