The Power of Parenting

Thursday, 04 June 2020

Social Development: 13 to 18 Months

Social Development means being able to make friends and get along with others, work as part of a team and be a good leader. These skills are all built on self-confidence, cooperation and trust.

Typical Skills
  • Begins to show sense of humour
  • Plays best on her own; doesn’t want to share toys, shouting, “Mine, mine” or fights with another child over who gets to use a specific toy
  • Enjoys imitating adult task, example, dusting, sweeping floors, setting the table, raking lawn, etc.
  • Strongly resists limits you set
  • Looks at you when you are talking or playing together
Emerging Skills
  • May be able to cooperate at times but may not respond quickly or will do the opposite of the request
  • Plays alongside and parallel to another child
  • Tries to dress/undress himself, e.g., pull up pants, undo Velcro shoe fasteners

If you do this:

  • Have good-bye routines when you and family members leave each other
  • Give your child the opportunity to partake in some daily chores, e.g. emptying the laundry basket, putting food in cupboards
  • Be comforted by these routines which mean that people always come back
  • Enjoy imitating an adult task while feeling a sense of independence
If you do this:

  • Provide regular opportunities for your child to play with other children her age
  • Introduce make-believe toys such as dolls with accompanying props, e.g., small bottle, blanket, cradle or stroller
  • Begin to learn the give and take that comes with being in a social group
  • Enjoy recreating familiar actions she has experienced herself
If you do this:

  • Share a toy with your child, taking turns with it
  • Use “Yes” and “No” to clearly set limits and explain why; always respond warmly
  • Begin to learn what’s expected when he plays with others
  • Begin to understand what actions are acceptable or not acceptable