The Power of Parenting
Thursday, 21 May 2020
Reciting and singing simple nursery rhymes like Bell Horses is a great way for children to develop their language skills. Here is a simple Comfort, Play & Teach™ activity that will have children moving creatively as they say their favourite rhymes!
Bell horses, bell horses
What's the time of day?
One o'clock, two o'clock
Time to go away!
- Recite the rhyme a few times and invite him to say the words with you.
- As you say the rhyme, pat the beat on your lap. Your child can join you in doing this or tap the beat with a simple instrument such as jingle bells.
- Encourage your child to gallop like a horse as you say the rhyme together.
Here's what to do while you make it:
Enjoy this more with Comfort, Play & Teach™:
Comfort:Children enjoy hearing familiar rhymes repeated again and again. They develop pride in their growing language skills when they recite the rhymes too!
Play:Creative thinking and imagination are supported when children have the opportunity to pretend and role play.
Teach:Nursery rhymes help children learn to hear rhythm patterns in language and the musical quality of words.