Sorting objects into two containers by colour and shape is a good learning game.
How things feel is a game that lets your child discover more about touch and texture: put a variety of objects in a bag and have the child reach in and name them. They could be a brush, prickly rubber toy, sponge, sandpaper, velvet and so on.
Puzzles, such as ones with two or three large pieces, and playing with clay or playdough encourage your child's eye-hand coordination, not to mention creativity. They also give him a sense of control, because he's making something.
Dress-up and pretend play is very important to your child's imagination and learning. Maybe you can set aside a special corner and leave a bunch of old clothes and accessories handy. Join in, too.
Enjoy this more with Comfort, Play & Teach™:
Comfort: Spending time reading or playing with your child builds your child’s esteem as he spends quality time with you and demonstrates his developing abilities.
Play: Props that support dramatic play, such as clothes, utensils and dolls invite your child to re-enact familiar experiences using familiar materials from around the house.
Teach: Assembling 2- or 3-piece puzzles and sorting toys by shape or colour enables your child to practice his developing reasoning and problem-solving skills.