The Power of Parenting
Wednesday, 09 December 2020
Age Range: 19 - 36 months
This is a fingerplay children often remember for many years. Many of you may remember it from your own childhood. It’s fun, its full of action for toddlers who have a hard time sitting still, and it gets them using their fine motor skills.
Where is Thumbkin? (Hide hand behind back.)
Where is Thumbkin? (Hide other hand behind back.)
Here I am! (Bring one fist from behind and lift thumb.)
Here I am! (Bring other fist from behind and lift thumb.)
How are you today, sir? (Move one thumb up and down as if it was bowing.)
Very well, I thank you. (Move other thumb up and down as if it was bowing.)
Run away… (Wiggling thumb, put one fist behind back.)
Run away… (Wiggling thumb, put the other fist behind back.)
Continue the rest of the fingers substituting Thumbkin for:
- Pointer
- Tall man
- Ring man
- Baby
Enjoy this more with Comfort, Play & Teach™:
Comfort: Children feel secure when they hear familiar tunes or poems repeatedly. The predictability of this fingerplay gives children confidence as they become more and more familiar with the actions and words.
Play: The playfulness of this fingerplay often captures a child’s attention and engages them in a joyful tune.
Teach: Fingerplays such as this help children master fine motor skills in a fun and entertaining way.